John C. Rodgers M.D.

Verified Patient Rating: 5 (6 patient reviews and ratings)

Patient Reviews

The following are reviews from patients of Dr. Rodgers.

“I had a very positive visit with Dr. Rodgers today. My staples were removed, and I was given further instructions on PT. I truly appreciate the fact that I see Dr. Rogers.”
– Susan M.
Patient rating: 5 stars
“Dr. Rodgers was calm, understanding, easy to get along with, trustworthy, not pushy, knowledgeable, polite, explained everything, and confident.”
– Jim A.
Patient rating: 5 stars
“Dr. Rodgers was very nice to deal with. He explained everything really well and in a way I could understand. We went over the details of each X-ray and MRI result very clearly. He prescribed physical therapy for me, which I received at Spooky Nook, and had very fine attention there from a physical therapist, Chris Dupkanick. The physical therapy associated with Orthopedic Associates of Lancaster is 5-stars. I would use them again if I should ever need physical therapy. Chris was the best.”
– Kathleen W.
Patient rating: 5 stars
“I was pleased with the results of Dr. Rodger's prognosis. The pain that I had in my knee is no longer there.”
– Thomas J.
Patient rating: 5 stars
“Dr. Rodgers was professional and informative and valued my time.”
– Robert B.
Patient rating: 5 stars
“Dr. Rodgers was professional, detail-oriented, and understanding.”
– Hal K.
Patient rating: 5 stars